Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bella's Interview

So... I'd like to know what questions my readers would like to see Bella answer in her interview.  I've really already written the interview scene, but decided to change things up a bit and let the readers have some input since this is the last "real" chapter of the story.  Leave me a comment, email me, or Tweet me and tell me what you want Bella to answer.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Did changedbyEdward fall off the face of the planet?

No... I didn't.

Sometimes real life just won't leave you the hell alone.

I've had a kid in the hospital for a week, I've had a death in the family, and suddenly two nights ago, Edward decided to switch gears with the next chapter completely.

Kid is out of the hospital, the funeral is over, still have family here, but when all the dust settles, I'm scrapping the next chapter and starting over.  I have notes, thanks to Edward keeping me awake, but I have to write the chapter yet.  I'm hoping that since I'm not struggling with the direction anymore that it will just flow.

Love to all of you and thanks so much for your patience during this trying time of my life.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

What the Hell is Going On?

I've been working on the next chapter.  Really.  I have.  Promise!  Don't look at me like that!

I've been having some interesting conversations with Bella and Edward regarding the debacle that took place after the VMAs.  A lot of you were disappointed that the main focus in the last chapter was Bella and her over-usage of her anxiety meds.  There were many of you who thought that Edward's drinking and attitude should have been addressed.

Have you ever had a fight like this with your loved one?  They did something wrong that started it, but then you did something really stupid, and when all is said and done, all you can think about is your own stupidity?  That's kind of where Bella was last chapter.  She felt so badly for what she did, that she all but forgot about Edward's part in the whole mess.

So, Edward really felt like he got the short end of the stick.  His feelings about the whole thing were left out of the last chapter because Bella selfishly focused on herself.  He wants to discuss it, he really does, but it requires that we go backwards a little bit.  I wasn't so sure at first, but Edward convinced me, so we're going to go back to the discussion that took place about Edward's behavior and how he felt about it, once he had 17 hours of Bella being unconscious to think about it.

I need to remind everyone again that Edward is not an alcoholic.  He drinks some, yes, but certainly not every single day, and not for the reasons that alcoholics drink.  He was drunk at the party because it was a party and everyone else was drinking.  He was in Velvet mode and was hanging out with friends he hadn't seen in months.  When they are all together, they drink, they party, they celebrate.  Please trust me to know the difference between social drinking and alcoholism.  Really.

Just for fun, I found a picture that is SO precious.  It looks like it could be Velvet and Abby to me.  I don't know who this girl is, but I could totally see her chasing Rob down the street calling him Edward.  Anyway, I'll share that with you, and then I'll get back to Edwardizing.  He can be a little difficult to decipher sometimes, ya know?

See what I mean?  Velvet and Abby!  See you all in the review box soon!

Much love,

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Queen of the Evil Cliffies

I've been called lots of things, but Queen of the Evil Cliffies takes the cake. 

I'm sure that some of you wonder just what in the hell I'm thinking, and if you don't yet, you will after reading the next chapter, which is done by the way.  I can explain.

The Letter's Edward and Bella are both carrying a lot of baggage with them from their past relationships.  They have been so caught up in the newness of things and the excitement of everything that has gone on that neither of them have worked through said baggage. 

Also, Bella is hiding something.  It will come out soon, but it will come out in the worst of ways.  If you think about it long and hard, you'll figure it out. 

I just want to remind everyone that the Prologue of this story actually occurs at the END of the story, so everyone knows that eventually it's all going to work out.  However, there are a few bumps in the road yet before we get to our HEA, and we WILL get there.  Promise.  Trust me, okay?

Your author, and Queen of the Evil Cliffies,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What's Bella Wearing to the VMAs?

So... Ya'll have been really patient with me... all four of you.  Thanks!  :)  I'm posting Bella's VMA outfit here for your perusal.  Thanks again to Lead69, Lolarose, and Eyes of Topaz.  I have SUCH a fashion disability, it's not even funny.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chapter 30 Teaser

Having Emmett with us was great, though. He was always hysterical and when he was around, he seemed to be able to keep Edward upbeat, for which I was grateful. The morning we were to fly out for Tanya’s wake, Emmett had come to our tour bus and beat on the bedroom door at some ungodly hour. Edward had yelled at him to go away, but Emmett, not to be deterred, had just thrown the door open and let himself in. We were both naked, of course, and I gasped and pulled the sheet up around my neck when the door opened.

Emmett grinned and put a meaty paw down, ripping the sheet off of Edward completely.

“Dude! What the fuck?!” Edward yelled.

“Well, aren’t we just a ray of fucking sunshine this morning?” was Emmett’s reply. “You’ve got a personal appearance before we all fly out to Chicago, so get movin’, dude!” Emmett stood over Edward with his arms crossed, waiting for him to get out of bed. I giggled in spite of how pissed Edward sounded when he grumbled something under his breath about ‘fucking morning people’ as he crawled out of the bed and traipsed into the bathroom.

The chapter is currently in beta, so I hope to post soon.  Just wanted to give everyone a little something to look forward to.  :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Author's Interview With EC Velvet

Since I don't have a chapter to post for you all this weekend, I thought I would just sit down with EC and do a quick interview and give you all a little taste of what's to come.  Enjoy!

JuJu ~ Edward, is court going to go well in the next chapter?  I'm not sure I want to write it if things are going to go to hell in a handbasket.

EC ~ Why wouldn't they go well?

JuJu ~ Well, you know, does the skanky-ho's lawyers have any tricks up their sleeves?

EC ~ If I tell you that, you're going to post it on the blog, and then what's the point of writing the chapter?

JuJu ~ Oh.  You've got a point.  Okay.  Hmmmm.... So, maybe you could give us all a little hint about what's going to happen in the next chapter?

EC ~ Do you have Pop-Tarts?

JuJu ~ Edward, you're an addict.  You NEED to go to Pop-Tart Addicts Anonymous meetings.

EC ~ *smirk*

JuJu ~ Stop doing that.

EC ~ Doing what?  *raises eyebrow*

JuJu ~ What's going to happen in the next chapter?

EC ~ You already know.

JuJu ~ *frustrated sigh*  Yes, I already know, but the READERS want to know.  You know we've been busy with RL this week.  Can't you give them a little taste of SOMETHING?

EC ~ Okay, okay.  But I want my Pop-Tarts when we get done here.

JuJu ~ Fine.

EC ~ Well, as you might have realized, it's mine and Bella's wedding night, so there just might be some 'action,' if you know what I mean.  *waggles eyebrows*

JuJu ~ Action?  Oooh, you didn't tell me we get to write a lemon!

EC ~ *smirk*  I don't tell you EVERYTHING, JuJu.

JuJu ~ Obviously.

Okay, so there you have it.  Edward's thinking an EPOV wedding night lemon for the next chapter.  Who else thinks that sounds like a good idea?  I know I do!

ETA for the next chapter to post is honestly 'I don't know.'  I've had a sick child in the hospital and my last week has been filled with dealing with that.  Hopefully next week will be better.  I'm thinking we have about 10 to 15 chapters to go to complete this story, which doesn't sound like much, does it?

See you all on the Velvet's Vixens tour bus!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

So, I was hoping to get a chapter written for everyone and post it on Thanksgiving, but it didn't happen, although I did get a lot done on it.  In lieu of the chapter post, I've decided to post a short teaser here.

Edward and I had a nice quiet Thanksgiving at home alone, in case anyone is wondering.  We did have a random conversation about how the court hearing was going to go and we've come to a standstill in deciding that, which is why the chapter isn't finished yet. 

Enjoy the teaser!

Everyone stilled and stood all around us while the judge gave a little speech about how much he enjoyed performing weddings. It was the best part of his job, he said, because most other parts of his job were sad and tragic, but performing a marriage was a joyous time for him. He kept it short, but talked to us a bit about the commitment that a marriage was going to be. Edward held my hand and smiled at me the whole time.

It finally came time for the vows and we turned to each other, joined hands, and repeated the vows to each other while staring into each other’s eyes. I couldn’t help the two renegade teardrops that spilled out of my eyes when Edward said his vows to me. I also couldn’t help the three or four more traitorous teardrops that came when I repeated my vows to Edward.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Welcome to my BlogSpace!

So, I'm really new at this blogging thing, but I decided I wanted to try it out just for fun.  I have no idea what kinds of things I might post on here, but whatever it is, it'll be crazy, just like me.  Hope you enjoy and don't forget to follow me and to visit my other blog friends.  Ciao!