Since I don't have a chapter to post for you all this weekend, I thought I would just sit down with EC and do a quick interview and give you all a little taste of what's to come. Enjoy!
JuJu ~ Edward, is court going to go well in the next chapter? I'm not sure I want to write it if things are going to go to hell in a handbasket.
EC ~ Why wouldn't they go well?
JuJu ~ Well, you know, does the skanky-ho's lawyers have any tricks up their sleeves?
EC ~ If I tell you that, you're going to post it on the blog, and then what's the point of writing the chapter?
JuJu ~ Oh. You've got a point. Okay. Hmmmm.... So, maybe you could give us all a little hint about what's going to happen in the next chapter?
EC ~ Do you have Pop-Tarts?
JuJu ~ Edward, you're an addict. You NEED to go to Pop-Tart Addicts Anonymous meetings.
EC ~ *smirk*
JuJu ~ Stop doing that.
EC ~ Doing what? *raises eyebrow*
JuJu ~ What's going to happen in the next chapter?
EC ~ You already know.
JuJu ~ *frustrated sigh* Yes, I already know, but the READERS want to know. You know we've been busy with RL this week. Can't you give them a little taste of SOMETHING?
EC ~ Okay, okay. But I want my Pop-Tarts when we get done here.
JuJu ~ Fine.
EC ~ Well, as you might have realized, it's mine and Bella's wedding night, so there just might be some 'action,' if you know what I mean. *waggles eyebrows*
JuJu ~ Action? Oooh, you didn't tell me we get to write a lemon!
EC ~ *smirk* I don't tell you EVERYTHING, JuJu.
JuJu ~ Obviously.
Okay, so there you have it. Edward's thinking an EPOV wedding night lemon for the next chapter. Who else thinks that sounds like a good idea? I know I do!
ETA for the next chapter to post is honestly 'I don't know.' I've had a sick child in the hospital and my last week has been filled with dealing with that. Hopefully next week will be better. I'm thinking we have about 10 to 15 chapters to go to complete this story, which doesn't sound like much, does it?
See you all on the Velvet's Vixens tour bus!